Friday, August 21, 2009

Jenkins travels light to Canada after killing ex-wife

Ryan Jenkins and his wife, model Jasmine Fiore, whose naked body was found stuffed in a suitcase. The reality TV contestant has fled to Canada as police sought him for questioning. (AP/Neitzel/WireImage)

I haven't posted anything about this case because I thought it was yet another body-in-a-suitcase story, but I've decided that there's enough here to make it blog-worthy and nominate the killer for this week's Sick Fuck of the Week award. So here go--

This story is about a reality TV contestant and model--the ideal American couple--who thought they would get married and live happily ever after. Two months later, the marriage was annulled because he allegedly turned out to be a psycho, and three months after that, she was found naked in a suitcase.

A reality show contestant--that is, a fake--and a model with an obvious-to-the-naked-eye-mostly-fake body--a match seemingly made in heaven that ended up in hell.

Jasmine Fiore's nude body was found strangled and stuffed inside a suitcase in a dumpster outside Los Angeles Saturday by a bum looking for recyclables
after her ex-husband, Ryan Jenkins, reported her missing. Her teeth had been pulled and fingers cut off to hinder the identification of the body.

By the time she was identified on Tuesday, Jenkins was long gone.

His SUV and an empty boat trailer were found late Wednesday at a marina in Washington, and someone claims he arrived by boat some 10 miles away at Point Roberts near Canada. It is believed he crossed the border on foot.

Law enforcement officials are saying they will leave "no stone unturned" to find him.

Fiore, 26, and Jenkins, 32, married in a quickie Las Vegas wedding in March. The 26-year-old swimsuit model ended the marriage in May, claiming Jenkins was a control freak and "insanely jealous."

Today it was reported that
Jenkins, originally from Calgary, beat up a former girlfriend several years ago and was ordered to see a shrink for sex addiction.

was initially charged with assault causing bodily harm when he was busted in July 2005 but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge, for which he was sentenced to 15 months probation in January 2007 and ordered to undergo psychological counseling for domestic violence and outpatient treatment for sex addiction.

This prince charming reportedly was also facing trial in Nevada for punching Fiore on the arm with enough force to throw her into a pool in June.
Jenkins was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence and had a court date in December.

Jenkins was a contestant on the VH1 reality shows Megan Wants a Millionaire and I Love Money 3, which wrapped up production in July. The last show--on which he was dubbed "Smooth Operator" by a castmate--might never air because of Ryan possibly having murdered and mutilated Fiore. Now deleted, Jenkins' profile on VH1's website described him as an investment banker. How "real" is that?

"I never had a good vibe with him," Fiore's mother, Lisa Lepore, told celebrity gossip website TMZ, describing Jenkins as "really cheap and just weird."

"I want to hold him down and pull his teeth out," Lepore told the Daily News.

"We want to ask everybody in Canada not to hide him," she added. "He can't get away with this."

Jenkins has been charged with first-degree murder.

So, will they find him, or will he get away with it?

If this were a Law & Order episode, he would foolishly ship himself to who knows where in a suitcase only to be found in a baggage claim carousel by ultra-smart detectives as the ominous keyboard music crescendoes...

Sources: HLN, Daily News, TMZ, MSNBC
Copyright © 2009, Primetime Oracle
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