Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Miami serial cat killer out of jail

The Miami teen accused of brutally killing nearly two dozen cats was released on bail because he poses no danger to himself or the community, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Are fucking kidding me?

Tyler Weinman, 18, allegedly terrorized a community with a month-long gruesome killing spree of neighborhood cats in the Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay areas of Miami. Most of the animals were found gutted and skinned on front lawns over the last month.

He was arrested on June 13 and charged with 19 counts of animal cruelty, four counts of burglary and 19 counts of improper disposing of an animal body.

Judge John Thornton ordered Weinman released after a brief hearing after his bond, which was set at $249,500, was posted Tuesday. The teen was ordered to house arrest wearing an a GPS ankle bracelet for monitoring his movements.

The judge had previously ordered a pschiatric evaluation for the suspect. According to the ruling today, the psychiatric exam indicated Weinman does not appear at risk of harming himself or others.

Observers and community members expressed outraged that the sick fuck was released.

The Miami Herald reported that Weinman, appearing in court wearing a red jumpsuit used for high-profile inmates, "smirked and nodded to his father and stepmother."

The newspaper quoted one of his lawyers, Michael Walsh, as saying Weinman is innocent and that police rushed to arrest him without evidence because of an intense public outcry over the cat killings.

Weinman could face a sentence of up to 158 years in jail. (see Serial cat killer caught, Miami Police say posted June 14). We all know that won't happen.

Weinman's parents did not return AP calls seeking comment; however, I just saw the father on CNN claiming Tyler is not the killer, noting--big shocker here--that he's "a great kid" that "loves animals." They're always great kids, aren't they?

Word is he was the ring leader of a cat killing mob in those neighborhoods, which doesn't surprise me a bit.

In any case, if he's the killer, he's toast. If he's not, I have no doubt it won't be long before the killer is caught. But if you ask me, he was already caught.

Sources: The Associated Press, CNN, ABC News, Miami Herald
Copyright © 2009

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