Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saudi man arrested after boasting about sex on TV

If this were to happen in the U.S., what man would not be in jail?

A Saudi Arabian man was arrested after bragging about his sex life on television, CNN reported citing Arab News, an English daily newspaper.

Mazen Abdul Jawad appeared last week on a show on Lebanese channel LBC and went into "graphic details about his sexual conquests," according to the report.

Somehow I doubt "graphic" as used in this context is anywhere near what "graphic" is in most western countries...

A segment of the show "Red Line" posted on YouTube shows the 32-year-old talking about sex and foreplay and discussing losing his virginity to a neighbor while he was 14.

OMG, what a degenerate criminal!

In deeply conservative (that's a nice way of putting it...) Saudi Arabia pre-marital sex is illegal and unrelated men and women are not allowed to mingle.

A government official told the newspaper that discussing sex in public is a punishable offense that may affect anyone involved in the broadcast, CNN reported.

"It is wrong to host people on television to speak publicly about vice and issues against our religion," said Ahmad Qasim Al-Ghamdi, director of Mecca's branch of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, also known as the religious police.

"The program presents anomalies and deviancy in society that are unacceptable and immoral, and should be punished according to Shariah," he added.

Religious police...that's a heck of an oxymoron, if you ask me. Isn't religion based on beliefs? And aren't religious beliefs usually based on faith? Then why would any religion need police to enforce the beliefs believers believe?

Hope I didn't lose you back there...

About 100 people reportedly filed complaints against the poor bragging stud, alleging that he violated a principle of Shariah law by "publicizing his sinful behavior," among other things.

It is unclear what punishment, if any, Abdul Jawad faces, CNN reported, noting it was unable to reach Abdul Jawad or the Saudi Ministry of Justice for comment.

If there was ever a reason to not kiss and tell, this must be it.

Now, here's what irks me about this story and others like it: isn't murder a sin? Then how is it sinful and illegal to talk about sex, but it's legal and righteous to behead people in Saudi Arabia?

That's what you get over there for murder, rape, armed robbery and drug trafficking, among other crimes.

If you're going to use religious and self righteousness to justify punishment for a sin against that religion, shouldn't the punishment be righteous and not sinful?

I suppose that would be expecting too much from humans who ironically believe they're above all other species on Earth--at the summit of Creation itself--because of their capacity for rational thought.

Source: CNN
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Michael Jackson Dr. kept hidden drug stash in closet

Dr. Conrad Murray kept a stash of drugs--including the infamous, powerful anesthetic propofol--hidden in his closet at Michael Jackson's house, TMZ reported today citing
law enforcement sources.

Left: TMZ composite photo of Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray.

When the LAPD first searched Michael's rented house in Beverly Hills after his death, they did not find Diprivan (brand name of the generic propofol), but when Dr. Murray, who vanished for several days after Michael died, was finally questioned by investigators, the information he provided triggered yet another search at the house during which the cops found the drugs, TMZ said.

If Murray himself told the cops about the drugs, it means that nurse Cherilyn Lee's claim that Michael asked her for Diprivan was not the first time investigators had heard about the drug, which is being investigated as the possible cause of death in this case.

Michael Jackson died on June 25 after going into cardiac arrest. The singer reportedly was addicted to numerous prescription drugs and used an anesthetic administered during surgeries in hospitals as a sleep aid.

For background and additional information, check out the Blog Archive (half-way down, left side of this page), where you will find other posts about Michael Jackson's death and the ongoing investigation.

Source: TMZ
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Time/CNN cartoons of the week

Benson / Arizona Republic / Creators Syndicate

Mike Smith / Las Vegas Sun / King Feature Syndicate

Jones / The Free Lance-Star / Creators Syndicate

Mike Smith / Las Vegas Sun / King Feature Syndicate [My personal favorite]

Gary Varvel / The Indianapolis Star / Creators Syndicate

Source: Time/CNN

United 4 Iran rallies, Ahmadinejad's inauguration

Protesters in about 100 cities worldwide on Saturday demanded the release of hundreds of detainees in Iran who were arrested in the bloody aftermath of the Islamic republic's disputed presidential election, CNN reported.

They rallied against the Iranian government's brutal crackdown on citizens who protested the June 12 re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, claiming it was fraudulent.

Hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets after the election, clashing with security forces in a series of chaotic and violent encounters that led deaths, injuries and the arrest of many protesters who remain in jail despite pleas by families and friends.

Several of the demonstrations, especially in the U.S. and Europe, called for western governments to be more vocal about the reported human rights violations in Iran, according to the report.

Saturday's "global day of action" was organized by United For Iran and supported by several human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Reporters Without Borders.

United For Iran is demanding U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon send a delegation to Iran to investigate the fate of political prisoners; the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, including journalists; an end to state-sponsored violence; freedom of the press; and Iran's adherence to international agreements it has signed.

Ahmadinejad's inauguration set for first week in August

Iran President Amhmoud Ahmadinejad (photo source unknown).

Iran has announced that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be sworn into office during the first week of August.

I've been wondering when, if ever, this inauguration would take place, and where and how because of the challenges of it being done safely--for him, I mean.

After weeks of violent and not-so-violent protests in Tehran since the June 12 presidential election, countless of people must want his head on a stake.

The actual date of the inauguration has yet to be announced. According to the state-run Mehr News Agency, deputy parliament speaker Mohammadreza Bahonar said it will take place between Aug 2 and Aug 6.

After witnessing what transpired in Tehran after the elections, I can't imagine Ahmadinejad being able to walk or drive down any street in the city without getting a bullet in his head. I'm not taking sides here, by the way, just sayin'...

His second term will officially begin a few days after he takes the oath of office, when he participates in a ceremony officiated by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Now, that's another one who should watch his head...if you ask me.

Sources: CNN
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Gates accepts invite for beer with Obama, Crowley

Harvard University Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. is working on a PBS documentary about racial profiling. (Senne/AP)

Henry Louis Gates Jr. has accepted an informal invitation to have a beer with his arresting officer Sgt. James Crowley and President Obama.

And, if you ask me, they all could use a few cold ones...

"I am pleased that [Obama] is eager to use my experience as a teaching moment, and if meeting Sgt. Crowley for a beer with the President will further that end, then I would be happy to oblige," the Harvard professor said in a statement posted on the website, of which he's the editor in chief.

At a daily press briefing yesterday, Obama said Crowley suggested beers at the White House during a telephone conversation that took place soon after the Cambridge Police Department and police unions held a press conference to announce they supported Crowley's actions on the day of the arrest.

Sgt. James Crowley (left) was surrounded by fellow officers offering support at a press conference Friday. (Spencer/Getty Images)

Gates said Obama phoned him on Friday, reportedly after the press briefing, to discuss his July 16 arrest outside his Cambridge, Mass., home after a neighbor reported a possible break-in. The intruder turned out to be Gates trying to open a jammed door, but a (totally unnecessary and stupid, if you ask me) confrontation between him and Crowley ensued, and the cop arrested Gates for disorderly conduct.

Though the charges were later dropped, the bust ignited a fierce debate about racial profiling. Fueling the controversy was Obama's remark that the Cambridge police "acted stupidly" by arresting Gates in his own house after he had produced and ID showing he lived there.

Right: This photo, taken by a neighbor July 16, shows when Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested at his home in Cambridge, Mass.

The issue has competed with healthcare reform to dominate the news cycle for the past week. Gates said he apologized to the President for the arrest becoming a distraction from more important matters.

"I told the President that my principal regret was that all of the attention paid to his deeply supportive remarks during his press conference had distracted attention from his health care initiative," Gates wrote.

In the same statement, Gates said he looks forward to studying the history of racial profiling for a PBS documentary.

"If my experience leads to the lessening of the occurrence of racial profiling, then I would find that enormously gratifying," he said. "Because, in the end, this is not about me at all; it is about the creation of a society in which 'equal justice before law' is a lived reality."


For background and additional information, check out the following post:

Cop to Obama: 'Let's have a beer with Gates' - posted July 24

Sources:, NY Daily News
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Musicpost: Lindsey Buckingham's 'Big Love'

I posted David Cook's song last night thinking it was already tomorrow, but it wasn't, which means we had a couple of songs yesterday and none so far today.

So here's a video submitted by music correspondent Darla of Lindsey Buckingham's live acoustic performance of his song "Big Love."

I believe Buckingham is one of the most underrated artists out there. He's extremely talented yet hardly known among music lovers who weren't around when Fleetwood Mac--the band he and Stevie Nicks fronted--was musical royalty in the 1970s and 80s.

By the way, given my interest in music and the many submissions I'm receiving, I think a song a day (though I haven't always stuck to just one) won't meet the needs of this blog, so we'll be seeing more of these.

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Musicpost: David Cook on AI's Top 3 week

I liked David Cook from the beginning of the season, and, like everyone else, loved his versions of "Hello" and "Billie Jean." But it was at this precise moment--when he sang Roberta Flack's "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face," a song judge Simon Cowell chose for him--that I understood the scope of his talent and knew that he would win the title of American Idol 2008.

The performance is only 1:37 long, but it's more that enough to get to me every single time I see it. Enjoy.

(For the longer version with comments from the judges go here.)

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Friday, July 24, 2009

150 dogs found dead in freezers in Michigan house

An animal control officer gives water to dogs found living in squalor at a home in Dearborn. (Rashaun Rucker/Detroit Free Press)

This one definitely falls under several categories:
  1. WTF?!
  2. What a sick fuck!
  3. Are you fucking kidding me?
...all of which are more than suitable for this blog.

Get a load of this.

Today Michigan police found about
150 dead dogs packed in freezers in the basement of a two-story brick house littered with feces and trash where 112 live dogs, mostly Chihuahuas, were rescued earlier this week.

That's 262 dogs total--all under the "care" of 56-year-old Kenneth Lang Jr., who apparently has been collecting dogs for three or four years.

When I think about the kind of treatment these dogs received for years...well, to be honest, I can't even imagine it, and I better not try.

"The house was in complete disarray, very cluttered...very filthy," said Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad, who declined to comment on the breed of the dead dogs.

A criminal investigation is under way, Haddad said, noting that the case could be forwarded to prosecutors for possible animal-cruelty charges.

"Possible" animal-cruelty charges? I guess that's all he can say about it, but if this dog-collecting freak is not charged with something substantial, the prosecutor could possibly encounter an army of pissed off animal-loving activists possibly pissing in his gas tank.

One "possible" charge is aggravated animal cruelty, a felony that carries a four-year penalty.

Law enforcement officials search a home in Dearborn, Mich., where authorities said a man kept more than 90 dogs, mostly Chihuahuas. (David Runk/AP Photo)

On Thursday, 112 live dogs were removed from the home, and police believe a few more are hiding under the debris inside the house. Numerous large trash containers were taken to the property to deal with the piles of trash, according to a Detroit Free Press report.

The disturbing discovery was prompted by a call from a neighbor complaining that a foul smell was coming from Lang's home. Why did it take someone three or four years to make that call? Jesus F. ...

The one good news is that many people have come forward to adopt the dogs, so many that the Dearborn Animal Shelter today stopped accepting pet adoption applications, according to the Detroit Free Press report. The shelter is requesting donations of small kibble dog food, money and office supplies.

As to why this man had these many live and dead dogs in the house, Haddad said he had no idea. “I can’t answer why anyone would do anything what went on in that house,” he said.

I can't either...though if I had to guess, I'd say it's because we're dealing with a sick fuck. But that's just me.

Sources: Detroit Free Press
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Cop to Obama: 'Let's have a beer with Gates'

President Barack Obama made an effort today to contain the controversy he admittedly helped fuel by his comments yesterday on the subject of Prof. Henry Louis Gates' arrest by a Cambridge, Mass., police officer last week. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

And the controversy about the arrest of Harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates by a Cambridge, Mass., police officer continues.

Gates claims he was arrested by a racist cop. The cop claims Gates was uncooperative and hostile. The police report shows Gates immediately jumped on victim-of-racism-bandwagon, which given what he does for a living wouldn't be surprising. But, then again, the cop gets to write the report.

However, an African-American cop who was present during the arrest said he supports what the arresting officer did "100%."

Yesterday, President Obama said the police "acted stupidly" in arresting Gates in his own house after he had produced an i.d. showing he lived there. However, that's not exactly what happened according to the police report.

During a radio interview yesterday, Sgt. James Crowley explained the circumstances under which he arrested Gates for disorderly conduct, noting that he followed standard police procedure and that he would not apologize for doing his job.

Earlier today, the Cambridge Police Department held a press conference during which heads from several police groups and unions expressed their support for Crowley. One of the chiefs asked Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and President Obama to apologize for their remarks.

An hour or two after the press conference, Obama made an impromptu appearance at the daily White House briefing to say he had spoken to Crowley and that he still believed both Crowley and Gates overreacted during the incident.

The President, who said the incident could be "a teaching moment" for the nation, also admitted he used an unfortunate choice of words when he said the police "acted stupidly," noting he wished he had "calibrated those words differently."

Like a true Boston man, Sgt. Crowley told Obama he would be happy to go to the White House, sit down with the President and Gates and have a beer.

Below are links to some of the stories on the subject and the actual police report filed by Sgt. Crowley.

Obama regrets choice of words in Prof. Gates' arrest, from The New York Times

Crowley pleased by president’s phone call, from The Boston Globe

The Gates 'teaching moment', from Anderson Cooper (AC360)

Below is a link to the police report of Gates arrest as well as an embedded copy:
Gates Police Report

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Musicpost: KT Tunstall's 'Heal Over'

Well it turns out I know KT Tunstall after all. She's the "Black Horse & Cherry Tree" girl, but you probably already know that.

Radio stations nowadays rarely tell listeners what they're listening too, and when the song came out four years ago and I was hating it because of how often it was being played, I never heard her name nor did I bother to find out who she was.

Big mistake.

So, here's another beautiful KT Tunstall song from her hit album
Eye to the Telescope, submitted by fellow music lover Darla. This one is called "Heal Over" and the video shows photographs of some of my favorite things in the universe--galaxies, nebulae, storms, oceans, trees, mountains.

Needless to say I'm heaven with this one...

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Baby-eating rats, kids starved in hotel, drunk baby

I say these qualify as strong contenders for this week's Sick Fuck of the Week award.

3 accused of letting rats chew off infant's toes

Three people--if you can call them that--have been accused of letting rats bite a 6-week-old girl and chew off her toes at their cluttered Ohio mobile home.

The baby's toes on one foot were gone when sheriff's deputies went to the home Sunday after receiving an anonymous tip, AP reported. OMFG.

A married couple and the 18-year-old boyfriend of the baby's mother (a juvenile who was not identified) were charged Tuesday with felony child endangering. They're in jail pending a plea hearing in two weeks.

The baby is in fair condition at a Columbus hospital.

I hope there's a rat-infested prison in Ohio to which these sick fucks can be sent.

3 children found starved in Dallas motel bathroom

Dallas motel where three emaciated children were kept day and night in a bathroom for about a year. (AP Photo/Donna McWilliam)

Three children were kept in a hotel bathroom (a room would've been bad enough) for about a year (in a bathroom!) and were horribly emaciated when police found them earlier this month, and one claims to have been repeatedly sexually assaulted.

The children's sick fuck mother, 30-year-old Abneris Santiago, has been charged with injury to a child and is being held on a $50,000 bail. Her 37-year-old live-in boyfriend (always the boyfriend...), Alfred Santiago, was charged with aggravated sexual assault and continuous sexual abuse, and held on a $125,000 bail, AP reported.

The Santiagos were living at an extended stay hotel by one of Dallas' busiest freeways.

Abneris Santiago called police on July 2 asking for help getting her children and belongings from the hotel, and when officers arrived, they found a healthy 1-year-old girl--the child of the Santiagos--in a crib, and an 11-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy and a 5-year-old boy--Abneris's children from other relationships--crammed in the bathroom.

The children suffered from "serious physical, emotional and mental neglect," according to the arrest affidavit.
The 10-year-old was covered in bruises and all three were "horribly emaciated, underweight and malnourished."

The 11-year-old told authorities that their mother left them with her boyfriend while she worked, they were allowed to leave the bathroom only when he took a shower, and that they were regularly beaten and rarely fed, AP reported.

Right: Booking photos released by the Dallas County Sheriff's Office show Abneris Santiago and her boyfriend Alfred Santiago. (AP Photo/Dallas County Sheriff's Office)

She told police Alfred had been sexually abusing her for at least three years. She described numerous rapes and said she he forced her to blow him. She said he threatened to kill her if she told her mother about the assaults.

The children were so emaciated that they threw up when child protective workers first tried to feed them. Their lips were dry, swollen and cracked, their ribs were protruding, and their cheeks and eyes were sunken into dark hollows, according to AP's report.

The "mother" told police that her knight in shining armor didn't care for the kids because according to him, "they were not his responsibility."

"She just had a history of making poor judgments about her male companions," her lawyer said. "I think ultimately the evidence will show that this man was controlling her and controlling the children."

WHAT?!? You'd have to give me a lobotomy to make me physically capable of believing that.

The lawyer told AP his client was afraid to tell authorities about the abuse. "I think it did take a lot of courage on her behalf to notify the police about this situation and bring the police to her residence to rescue the children," he said.

Are you fucking kidding me? Ugh! Sorry, there's just no way that defense is going to fly, not when she was able to leave the room for work.

The children were initially hospitalized for 10 days, but the 10-year-old was hospitalized again recently, AP reported. All four children are now in temporary foster care.

Baby drunk with 4 times legal limit for adult

After searching several days, police in Carrollton, Georgia, located a babysitter that fed af 9-month-old boy wine, causing his blood-alcohol level to exceed four times the legal limit for an adult.

Doctors said the baby's blood-alcohol content of .33 was considered a life-threatening condition, AP reported.

Forty-year-old Tammy Demice Truitt has been charged with first-degree cruelty to children and reckless conduct.

I'm amazed the baby survived and curious as to Truitt's explanation for stuffing a baby with wine.

Police said she was called to watch the baby and four other children ages 3 to 9 earlier this week when their mother had to leave town to care for a sick relative who has since died, AP reported.

So she fed wine to the baby and not the others? Strange.

The baby was released from the hospital on Wednesday and is doing fine, according to the report.

Sources: The Associated Press
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Musicpost: Coldplay's 'The Scientist'

I happen to like Coldplay. No. I happen to think Coldplay is the only rock band worth anything these days. Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, their first two albums, are among my favorite albums of all time.

Normally, I'm not quick to accept other artists' versions of songs up that high in my love-it-dig-it-can't-live-without-it list, but British pop singer Natasha Bedingfield does a more than decent job with "The Scientist," one of the songs in the Rush of Blood album, in this video
submitted by our friend Darla.

Here's the original by Coldplay, live. An acoustic version of it in which lead singer, lead everything Chris Martin plays the guitar vs. the piano can be found here. For the original studio version and video, click here.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another Hollywood icon dies...a little one

This time it's a dog, but not just any dog.

The tan Chihuahua that rose to fame with her role in Taco Bell ads and the immediately catchy phrase, "¡Yo quiero Taco Bell!," has died at age 15.

Gidget, who starred in commercials for the Mexican fast-food chain from 1997 to 2000, suffered a massive stroke last night at her trainer's home in Southern California and had to be euthanized, according to several news reports.

Gidget also made it to the silver screen as Reese Witherspoon's side kick in the movie "Legally Blonde 2."

¡Adios, amiga!

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Workers fired for urinating into Old Faithful geyser

The Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. (USGS)

I know this happened a few weeks ago (no breaking news here), but I wanted to include it here because stupidity fascinates me.

Two dumb seasonal Yellowstone National Park concession workers were fired after a live
webcam caught them urinating into the Old Faithful geyser.

Lucky for the natural men the geyser wasn't erupting, though anyone would have to be dumber than dumb to pee into a hole shooting 4,000 to 8,000 gallons of boiling water 100-200 ft. up in the air.

The park's dispatch center was called after someone watching a webcast of the geyser saw six employees leaving the trail and walking on Old Faithful on May 4, AP reported.

Too bad the AP reporter didn't obtain additional info about the webcast.

Park spokesman Al Nash said a 23-year-old man on was fined $750 and placed on three years of unsupervised probation for urinating, being off trail in a restricted area, and taking items from the area, AP reported. The man also was banned from Yellowstone for two years. The second employee's case is pending.

Old Faithful is America's most famous geyser. It was the first one explorers saw during the 1870 Washburn-Langford-Doane expedition, and the first one in Yellowstone to get a name.

Sources: The Associated Press
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Feds raid Michael Jackson's doctor's office

Federal drug agents and Los Angeles police detectives raided the Houston office of Michael Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, this morning. The cardiologist (insert top left) was the last person to see the King of Pop alive. (Gina Sunseri/ABC News/AP)

Well, we saw this coming--right?

Federal authorities raided the Houston office of Dr. Conrad Murray looking for evidence of manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.

About a dozen Drug Enforcement Agency agents, two LAPD detectives and 10 Houston police officers arrived at Murray's office at about 10:30 a.m. and left shortly after carrying a forensic copy of a computer hardrive and 21 documents said to be Michael's medical records.

As I watched the images, I couldn't help but notice that the King of Pop hired a doctor with a shabby office flanked by liquor and convenience stores in a not-so-nice part of Houston instead of one with a marble-walled clinic in Beverly Hills.

Investigators showed up with a search warrant at the Armstrong Medical Clinic, where Murray's office is located. The clinic reportedly is owned by a doctor whose DEA license to prescribe medications was revoked in 2005 for "over prescribing," officials said.

The search warrant reportedly was issued based on preliminary autopsy results showing that Michael's death was linked to the anesthetic Diprivan (or the generic propofol).

UPDATE: An official from the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office paid a visit to Cherilyn Lee--the nurse who claims Michael recently begged her for Diprivan--and left with Michael Jackson's medical records. It was when Lee spoke about her experience with Michael on primetime TV that the investigation into his death went turbo.

An hour or so after the raid today, Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, released the following statement, confirming this is a manslaughter investigation:

"We can confirm that a search warrant was executed today on Dr. Murray's offices in Houston, Texas. We reviewed the warrant and remained on the premises while the search was being executed.

The search was conducted by members of the DEA, two robbery-homicide detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department and Houston Police officers.

The search warrant authorized law enforcement to search for and seize items, including documents, they believed constituted evidence of the offense of manslaughter.

Law enforcement concluded their search around 12:30 p.m., and left with a forensic image of a business computer hard drive and 21 documents. None of the documents taken had previously been requested by law enforcement or the L.A. Coroner's office."

Dr. Murray, who reportedly took an indefinite leave of absence from his Acres Homes clinic in May to be Michael Jackson's personal physician, was the last person to see Michael Jackson alive.

He told police that he found Michael lying on his (his Michael's or his Murray's?--we thought he meant Michael's bed, but word is it was the doctor's) bed unconscious with a weak pulse sometime before noon June 25 and that he was so frail, Murray administered CPR with one hand behind Michael's back.

(Copyright 2009 / National Photo Group)

That's what he's saying now, after everyone questioned why a cardiologist would administer CPR on a bed vs. on the floor, as he should. So, who knows what's true. The King of Pop was declared dead at UCLA Medical Center at around 2:30 p.m. that afternoon.

I said it before, and I'll say it again--Murray is toast. How crispy? I'm not sure, but he'll be served with a choice of butter, jam or cream cheese...if you ask me.

Whenever approached with questions from the media during the past couple of weeks, all he--through his lawyers--has said is that he's "cooperating fully with the investigation."

Hey, did you give Diprivan or any other drug to Michael Jackson the night before he died? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

What was he doing in your bedroom that morning? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

Why were you giving him CPR on the bed? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

Why did you wait so long (allegedly more than 20 minutes) to call for help? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

Where you giving him any other drugs? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

Why did you not identify yourself to the family in the hospital? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

Why did you suddenly take off and disappear for three days while the cops were looking for you to question you about what happened that morning? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

Would you like lasagna or chicken parmesan this evening? "I'm cooperating fully with the investigation."

Another one who's toast is Dr. Arnold Klein, Michael's dermatologist of 20-plus years--yes, that one who was as slippery as a greased pig on Larry King and Good Morning America a couple of weeks ago. He must be trying to slip out of the country as police get ready to raid his office, if they haven't yet.

Michael Jackson died after going into cardiac arrest June 25 in his rented home in Beverly Hills, California. He was 50 years old.

The circumstances of his death are shady and have lead to an investigation. Toxicology test results from the autopsy are still pending, and if the anesthetic Diprivan, narcotic Demerol (an opiate pain medication) or any other drug capable of killing him is found (as it's likely), the shit is really going to hit the fan.

For background info, check out recent Michael Jackson posts:
Michael Jackson: accident, murder or slow suicide
? posted July 12
Michael Jackson's doctor could be bio-father of kids
, posted July 9
Michael Jackson - what the doctor ordered
? posted June 27

Sources: TMZ, Reuters, ABC News
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'One of the worst pedophiles' in Houston charged

It's Doctor's Day here at Primetime Oracle.

We have with us today yet another well-respected member of the community who turned out to be a pervert: a Houston orthopedic surgeon accused of sexually molesting children for more than a decade.

My friend Walter, a steadfast fan of the gruesome and macabre, sent me a link to the story.

After a two-year investigation, Dr. Bernard Albina, 69, was charged with one count of aggravated sexual assault of a child, one count of continuous sexual assault and two counts of promotion of child pornography, KPRC Local 2 reported Tuesday.

Houston police, who described him as one of the worst pedophiles they have ever seen, said they learned of the alleged abuse when a 24-year-old man said Albina began sexually assaulting him when he was 5 years old, according to the report.

Investigators said they found another young adult victim and two more who are now in their teens, noting there might be more victims. So far, none of the victims were his patients. The crimes occurred between 1988 and 1998.

I say we have enough to nominate him for this week's Sick Fuck of the Week award.

Police said Albina, who works (um...worked?) at St. Joseph Medical Center, reportedly gave one of his victims $100,000 in cash and gifts.

OK...what does that mean exactly? Was the money and gifts given recently, to shut up the victim, or back when the abuse was taking place? And if it was years ago, wouldn't the victim be too young to receive such a gift? Did the parents know what was going on? Inquiring minds want to know.

Two minivan loads of evidence were collected, including hours of footage he had taken of himself with victims, according to officials. Ugh, this is so Law & Order SVU...WTF? How can these people be so stupid? They must want to get caught.

"Some of the stuff we found in the storage unit were books about how to treat victims psychologically that have been molested. He had books on how to take pictures of kids--solely how to take pictures of kids. He did a lot of research," J.P. Roscoe with the Houston Police Department said according to the report.

What a sick fuck. If he's guilty (what are the chances he's not?), and if he's convicted, we can only hope he gets his share of "love" from fellow pervs in prison.

Sources: NBC affiliate KRPC Channel 2
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Musicpost: Jose Feliciano's Malagueña, Zorba

Most of you know Jose Feliciano from his eternally popular "Feliz Navidad" (Merry Christmas) jingle that starts playing the day after Thanksgiving
on nearly every radio station and elevator and grocery store and office party...and doesn't stop until New Year's Day. There's no escaping it.

What you might not know is that Feliciano is a self-taught guitar virtuoso who discovered music around the same time he was being potty trained. He was born in Puerto Rico in 1945. He was also born blind.

"Malagueña" is one of the most popular--and technically difficult--guitar songs of all time. It's super sexy, too, and you must have heard it many times. It's the sixth movement of the Suite Andalucia (circa 1927) by prolific Cuban composer Ernesto Lecuona.

The following video of Jose Feliciano playing "Malagueña" is at least 40 years old (probably around 44).
I chose this one vs. a more recent one because it's (a) shorter than the others, and (b) such a classic.

He was amazing then and still is amazing. (Yes, he's alive and kicking.)

I adore Greek music. Actually, I adore Greece and all things Greek. And Jose Feliciano's version of the famous "Zorba the Greek" is no exception. This tune is so much fun...makes you wanna get up and dance.

This is another 40-year-old video. Surely, there are more recent ones of him playing this piece, but then we would miss the outfits and hairdos of the people in the audience.

Guitar gymnastics

Following is a video of
Tiago Della Vega, the world's fastest guitarist according to Guinness World Records.

After a minute of nothingness that you can skip, and a two-minute introduction in which his background is explained, Della Vega begins playing "Flight of the Bumble Bee" on his guitar at 170 bpm (beats per minute), and I'm thinking, "Wow, that's fast."

What a dunce I am. It turns out 170 bpm for this guy is like slow motion for the average person. The bpm's keep going up and up and up until they peak at 320 bpm. All I've got to say about that is--fuck!

By the way, this guy must go into some sort of Zen-mode when he plays because he barely breaks a sweat. He's cool as a cucumber throughout, and it's not until the end that he kind of exhales.


If you're on the jumpy side, you might want to medicate yourself before watching this video--you know...pop in a Xanax or Klonopin...have some wine...whatever. The frantic beat is unlikely to go unnoticed by your body. Trust me on that.

On the other hand, those of you who can't live without your morning dose of caffeine might want to wait until after seeing the video to have that perfect cup of black coffee or espresso, which you might not need by the time you're done watching this.

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