Monday, June 1, 2009

Retard bank robber 'lands' in hospital

I've never robbed a bank, so what do I know? Right?

But isn't it common knowledge--not to mention common sense--that to rob bank one must have a get-away plan?

A van?

A scooter?


I'd like to know what this dude was thinking when he robbed a bank in Pasadena, California.

Evidently, he forgot the most important part of a bank robbery--the get-away. That...or someone blew him off in the most cruel of ways.

In any case, after threatening a teller with a weapon that nobody saw, the man, said to be in his 30s, took the money and ran up--yes up--a parking garage after the police arrived.

What was he going to do once he reached the top floor, fly?

And so, with the cops on his tail and nowhere to go, he jumped, plummeting five stories and hitting the concrete below.

Well, he might have been laughing all the way to the bank, but he certainly wasn't laughing on his way out.

He was hospitalized and in critical condition Monday after suffering multiple fractures, including broken legs, Pasadena police spokeswoman Janet Pope Givens said according to an AP report.

Police are trying to determine his identity and whether he was trying to kill himself or escape.

I think that about sums it up.

Givens said a California National Bank branch was robbed about 9:15 a.m. and a witness followed the robber, reporting via cell phone that he had run into the parking structure, AP reported.

Investigators found cash in the parking garage.

So he "took flight" without the money?

Hence the title of this story.

Source: Me, The Associated Press
Copyright © 2009

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