Thursday, June 4, 2009

Teens charged as adults for heinous rape

This week's Sick Fuck of the Week award will be a highly contested one. It's only two hours into Thursday and already we have a sizable pool of sick fucks to choose from.

The latest nominees are Randall John Moye, 14; Raymond A. Price-Murray, 14; Lee Louis Myers, 14; and Diamante J. Roberts, 15, from Tampa, Florida. Their names have been released because they were charged as adults, CNN, among other new sources, reported.


The Fantastic Four were charged Wednesday with four counts each of sexual battery on allegations of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old boy. But get this: these sick fucks brutally raped the kid multiple times over a two-month period with a broomstick and a hockey stick.

Charming, isn't it? Their parents must be SO proud.

At a bond and arraignment hearing, the defendants appeared before Hillsborough County Judge Wayne Timmerman Wednesday to hear the counts against them read in court.

Prosecutor Kimberly Hindman described to the court how two defendants held down the victim while the other two defendants violently sodomized him with the sticks, CNN reported. "The victim screamed and cried, telling them to stop," Hindman said.

Jesus F. Christ

The prosecutor said the victim's screams could be heard outside the boys' locker room at Walker Middle School where the alleged assaults took place. Multiple people witnessed the attacks, but no one reported the incidents Hindman said.

What a pack of cowards. They too should be prosecuted, if you ask me.

The school began an investigation after a fight that began on the football field and continued until a coach broke it up in the locker room, said the prosecutor. During the fight, the victim said, "I'm tired of them getting on me," Hindman said according to the CNN report.

When school officials questioned the defendants, all four admitted in a written statement sexually assaulting the victim.

They can write?

School officials contacted authorities, who initially charged the four as minors with sexual assault and false imprisonment.

The victim did not acknowledge the attacks until questioned, CNN reported.

Well, who the fuck would talk, much less explain, something like this?

Several (courageous, compassionate, honorable) students witnessed the incidents over the two months, said the prosecutor, who added that she could not understand why no one reported the attacks.

Well, is someone going to question these kids to try to figure out why they didn't say a word about these incidents? Yes, I know they're only 13 and 14-years-old, but it doesn't take a high school diploma to know that someone screaming his brains out while being fucked up the ass with broomsticks and hockey sticks by four bullies needs help. A five-year-old could figure that out! Yes, perhaps they were afraid of being raped by the bullies, but that wouldn't have happened if they had reported the sick fucks. Well maybe they didn't know that. Or maybe, just maybe, they enjoyed the spectacle.

The victim, who had to finish the school year at home, told a judge his father was angry and his mother couldn't stop crying when they heard about the attacks.

We don't know for sure what we would do as parents in their place, not unless we go through it ourselves, right? Yet, I visualize myself in the express lane at Wal-Mart buying two items: the thickest broomstick and hockey stick I could find.

Defense attorneys told the judge their clients were good students and had never been in trouble before. WTF does that mean? Then no one would be guilty of his/her first atrocity. So if Hitler and the motherfuckers who crashed planes into the World Trade Center in New York had up to then been good citizens--you know, no outstanding parking or speeding tickets, no felonies or misdemeanors--then they would automatically receive a get-out-of-jail-free card. Are you fucking kidding me?

Attorney Tim Taylor, representing Randall Moye, said his client's family is among the finest in the community.


The finest in the community. If one of the four is the offspring of the finest family in the community, I say the D.A. should quarantine the whole community since they're all bound to rape and kill each other sooner or later.

Taylor presented six character witnesses, including his client's mother, Jeanne Myers, who said her son wants to attend college. Oh, really? He wants to attend college. How cultured of him. Where was his education and wishes to go to college when he was gang-raping that boy? I don't give a fuck if he wants to go to college. I want $10 million.

The prosecutor asked her about her son's written statement about the attacks. Myers said her son described clowning around in the locker room with a hockey stick. She added that he told her about holding down the victim for a few seconds.

Clowning around? Only a mother would believe such a load of crap, I suppose. Judge Judy always says:"You know how to figure out a teenager is lying? You see them move their mouths."

The judge set bond for each defendant at $15,000 (a travesty--they should've been held without bond, if you ask me), with ankle monitors for all but one, who has left the area. What?! One has to laugh...

The Fantastic Four were taken into custody in court and booked into the adult jail, CNN reported. The judge warned the four to have no contact with one another, the victim or any witnesses in the case. The defendants could spend up to 120 years in prison if convicted on all four counts.

There are no hockey sticks in prison, and accessibility to broom or mop sticks might be restricted given their potential to become weapons. But creativity and resourcefulness can't be contained within bars and fences. And I'm confident that if these sick fucks sent to prison, their fellow men will find a way to bring them to justice in a way the judge simply can't.

Source: CNN
Copyright © 2009

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