Yes, beauty queen Carrie Prejean has lost her crown.
Pageant officials said Wednesday the 22-year-old Miss California and Miss USA runner-up was fired because of continued breach of contract issues.
"This was a decision based solely on contract violations including Ms. Prejean's unwillingness to make appearances on behalf of the Miss California USA organization," executive director Keith Lewis said in a statement.
"After our press conference in New York we had hoped we would be able to forge a better working relationship. However, since that time it has become abundantly clear that Carrie is unwilling to fulfill her obligations under our contract and work together."
Miss USA co-owner Donald Trump--who saved the pro-"opposite sex" marriage, breast-bearing-citing-wardrobe-malfunction evangelical Christian from losing her crown last month after semi-nude photos of her made public--did not step in to save her this time.
"I told Carrie she needed to get back to work and honor her contract with the Miss California USA Organization and I gave her the opportunity to do so," Trump said in the statement. "Unfortunately it just doesn't look like it is going to happen and I offered Keith my full support in making this decision. Carrie is a beautiful young woman and I wish her well as she pursues her other interests."
Not surprisingly, news of her firing had led to yet more controversy.
She reportedly missed several pageant events, received a warning and eventually promised to be a good girl. Those defending her claim that since "communication" was restored with the organization, she has been doing her job, meeting every obligation and attending every event for which she has been scheduled. Others are saying she publicly blasted the pageant folks during the speaking engagements. And there are those who claim that breach of contract is just an excuse to get rid of what turned out to be a rude and combative representative of the Miss USA organization.
"This is all kind of a big shock," Charles Limandri, Carrie's lawyer, said in a statement. "We've been working with Mr. Trump's office; she's been doing all the speaking engagements she's been asked to do. It is not true that she has not been cooperating....Something is going on," he said. "Truth is not being told. I don't understand where this is coming from, or why."
Miss California runner-up Tami Farrell will immediately take over the crown and Carrie's responsibilities as Miss California, the pageant organization said. The current Miss USA Kristen Dalton and Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza will also lend a hand in making appearances.

The semi-nude pictures (I know, how original...I'm ready for a serial killer or gender-bending winner to be stripped of her crown) reportedly were shot for an ad campaign, and she claimed the photographer took advantage of her by shooting a few frames when the wind shifted her vest just enough to reveal a nipple.
This reminds me of Janet Jackson's infamous nipple, which made a surprise appearance because of yet another "wardrobe malfunction" (they denied it was planned...of course) during the halftime show of Super Bowl 2004 when she took the stage with singer Justin Timberlake, who at the end of a song ripped a piece of cloth off Jackson's right breast, revealing a partially covered nipple for nine sixteenths of a second. Wardrobe malfunction my ass. There was a public outcry and parents were traumatized because they didn't know what to tell their kids about The Nipple.

What I found interesting about Carrie's photos was not the nipple they showed but the underlying hypocrisy they revealed.
Isn't it two-faced to denounce same-sex marriage because of what the bible states about homosexuality but be OK with posing semi-nude for pictures whose only possible purpose is to arouse feelings of lust, which according to the bible is a sin?
The good news is that regardless of the controversy they generated, neither her views on marriage nor her nipple led to her dethroning. And I for one am glad about that.
(Dedicated to my #1--and likely only--fan: Walter. Hi Wally!)
Sources: ABC News, CNN, L.A. Times, TMZ, EW.com
Copyright © 2009
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