Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jew hater opens fire in Holocaust museum

I've been avoiding this story all day. I'm not sure why.

Maybe I'm sick of racist sociopaths with guns. I mean, what else is new? Another Jew-hating psycho.

But we're approaching the end of the day, and as my fear of commitment to the story wanes I find that my desire to add this prick to the list of nominees for this week's Sick Fuck of the Week Award is greater than my ambivalence, so here we go.

In a nutshell: an 88-year-old white supremacist armed with a rifle opened fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., killing a security guard and unleashing hours of panic before he was shot by two other guards. Last I heard he was in a hospital in critical condition. (Police photo of James von Brunn)

That's because we're civilized. Otherwise, what would be the point of saving an 88-year-old sick fuck who opens fire on men, women and children hoping to murder some Jews because of a deeply ingrained belief system that couldn't possibly be "adjusted" or rehabilitated if he lived to be a thousand years old?

You think I'm being too harsh or negative? Read on.

James von Brunn--wow...a von-something...I've always wanted to be a squeaky clean von-something...not!--has an anti-Semitic website called Holy Western Empire and wrote a book in 2002 entitled "Kill the Best Gentiles!"

The website apparently has been removed by the authorities (I'm assuming for investigation purposes), but below is an excerpt from the book posted by Anderson Cooper of CNN where von Brunn explains what he calls the "American myth" of equality, which he claims Jews fabricated to disguise the reality that "Men and races are NOT created equal."

The “American myth” (created by JEWS) alleging our Founding Fathers intended that all races, from pygmy to Ainu, be invited to our shores, is based on Thomas Jefferson’s words in the Declaration of Independence: “…all men are created equal.” The meaning of this much quoted statement has been distorted by the ILLUMINATI which subjectively is re-writing history and wielding the alleged “HOLOCAUST” like a battle-ax at the heads of those proclaiming genetic certainties: Men and races are NOT created equal.

Jefferson’s statement can be understood only in context of his Era. Our Founding Fathers were Aryans, men of good breeding who understood, empirically, the great differences existing between strains of horses; strains of live-stock; races of men; and between individuals: knowledge confirmed today by the natural sciences of Genetics, Eugenics, and Anthropology. Hitler, as American boobs are beginning to learn, was not all wrong.

This Annapolis, Md., bigot killed Stephen Johns, 39, a six-year employee of the museum, which has been a target of at least one domestic terrorism threat in 2002, when two lovely members of white supremacist groups plotted to build a fertilizer bomb, like the one used to destroy an Oklahoma City federal building, to blow up the Holocaust museum and incite a race war.

Ironically, I bumped into a white supremacist forum last week while researching forum directories, and I decided to take a look at it out of curiosity.

I landed on a thread about relationships and the importance of making sure they don't date anyone who is not 100% white scientifically speaking. They research multiple generations and even take DNA tests to prove their supremacy with precision. Anyone whose blood has the slightest chance of being polluted by an ancestor of another race, be that Jewish, Asian, African American, Arab, Native American, Hispanic, you name it, is a non-person, an untouchable, scum.

What really impressed me was their confidence that they themselves are pure, even though anthropologists tell us that Africa gave birth to mankind. Although that's one of a number of theories, worldwide human population genetics do point to Africa as the origin of man.

Which means that white supremacists, neo-nazis, Aryan nationalists, odinists, white power skinheads, along with the rest of the world, are Africans.


Sources: CNN's AC360, AP, USA Today, My Twisted Mind
Copyright © 2009

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