Thursday, July 16, 2009

Florida thugs didn't need to kill Billings to rob them

It doesn't add up, if you ask me.

One of the top stories in the U.S. for the past week has been the murder of a Florida couple known for having adopted about a dozen kids, most of them disabled. At one time they had 17 children.

Melanie and Byrd Billings (left) where shot to death in their bedroom on July 9 by a group of Ninja-wanna-be thugs now in custody.

The only motive so far given for the killings is home invasion and robbery. (See Suspects arrested in murder of Florida couple, posted July 13.)

But that can't possibly be the whole story, can it?

First of all, the sheriff said that robbery was "a motive"--that is, one of possibly several motives--but he would not elaborate.

Today, it was reported that the so-called the "pivotal person" in organizing the crime, Leonard Gonzalez Jr., a 35-year-old self-defense teacher with a wife and kids, and six other suspects trained for the crime for a month prior to its execution, and that the surveillance video that captured them enter the property was supposed to have been disabled by one of them--oops.

Here's the thing:

Why rehearse for a month to break into a house, go straight to a bedroom, shoot two people, grab a couple of things and go? How hard is that?

More difficult–and requiring more thought and rehearsal–would’ve been to plan a robbery without anyone in the house noticing. Even if the Billings woke up, a couple of masked robbers could’ve held them at gunpoint while the others took whatever they came to get.

In other words: there was no need to kill the Billings in order to rob them.

That would make murder not a means to an end, but an end in itself.

Five or six of them entered the house, located west of Pensacola in Beulah, so they couldn't have been threatened by a sleeping 43-year-old woman and 66-year-old man.

So far investigators have found no links to drugs, mafia or any illegal activity in the murders.


I've been waiting for someone--anyone--on CNN or anywhere else to ask that question: Why kill them when killing them was not necessary to rob them? And so far no one reporting the story has--not that I've seen or heard or read.

It's driving me nuts! Can somebody please address this issue...pretty please?

Sources: Pensacola News Journal, CNN, AP
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