Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sick Fuck of the Week

Tarot card for "Death" from the most popular Tarot deck: the Ryder-Waite.

(Disclaimer: My apologies to those who find the word "fuck" offensive; for me there's just no other way to say it.)

I decided two days ago that I would bestow this week's Sick Fuck of the Week award upon Death itself.

The Grim Reaper took Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson and Billy Mays in what seems like one sweep of its lethal scythe.

I'm freaking out a little bit here, but then again I'm not because I'm kinda used to this. I'm talking about being 100% certain after Michael's death that another celebrity would die before the end of the week (which for me means before the end of today)-not because of bad things coming in three's (we got four here...), but because I just knew it.

Something powerful and spine-tingling happens when universal forces gain momentum. It takes them a while to stop even after the brakes are applied, and there's nothing we can do about it.

I have a feeling about Elizabeth Taylor not making it to the end of the year, not just because she's been sick for so long, but because on top of that her beloved Michael is gone.

I hope this time I'll be wrong.

Congratulations to Death -- Sick Fuck of the Week

Tarot card for "Death"--the Grim Reaper--from one of the first known Tarot card decks: the Marseilles. Death is No. 13 among the Major Arcana, the first 22 cards of any Tarot deck that represent major forces in life.

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