Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mom accused of castrating baby found guilty

Katherine Nadal listens to opening statements during the first day of her trial. (Nick de la Torre/Houston Chronicle)

* Sick fuck alert *

Katherine Nadal carved out her 5-week-old baby's genitals, completely cutting off his penis and testicles in spite of what must have been gut-wrenching screams.

The trial for this barbaric crime started in Houston Monday and ended four days later with a guilty verdict.

A jury convicted the 28-year-old subhuman woman today of causing injury to a child, a first-degree felony. The same jury will decide her sentence.

Prosecutors are asking for the maximum--life in prison.

A life sentence it wouldn't be enough punishment for this heinous crime, if you ask me. All she would lose is her freedom.

Nadal already has spend two years in jail in lieu of $75,000 bail.

The nitty-gritty

Holden Gothia was injured on March 13, 2007, at the family's Clear Lake-area apartment.

Nadal claimed the family dog--a 6- to 7-pound mini-dachshund, a breed notorious for its savage nature, aggressive behavior and powerful jaws capable of splitting a snow pea in half--attacked her son, but prosecutors dismissed that ridiculous claim, calling it "unbelievable."

Prosecutors argued that a sharp instrument was used, leaving behind a perfectly square wound unlike the wound a dog would cause, and that no blood was found in the dog's mouth, fur or paws.

The defense, on the other hand, said an expert would testify that the dog could have caused the injuries (in a parallel universe...), that police failed to find any instrument that could have been used, and that no DNA or blood evidence was found.

The severed penis and testicles were never found. That's because the sick fuck either ate them, destroyed them in a garbage disposal or flushed them down the toilet.

The day before the mutilation, Nadal told her husband she was going shopping, but police learned she went to a dope house to get high. The father, 38-year-old Camden Gothia, who was at work when his wife went psycho on the baby, testified that when Nadal returned from her shopping trip she was "not sober." The couple then argued over whether to have the baby circumcised, with Nadal in favor and Gothia against it because of the pain involved in the procedure.

“Now he's more than circumcised,” Assistant D.A. Denise Oncken said.

The day after the attack Nadal tested positive for cocaine, methadone and a mild tranquilizer, according to a Houston Chronicle report. She has been arrested twice on drug-related charges that later were dismissed.

A neighbor told police Nadal knocked on his door around 12:30 p.m. saying something was wrong with the baby. Edward Vega called 911 and followed Nadal back to her apartment, where he saw the baby on a queen-sized bed, bleeding from the lower portion of his body "with his privates missing," according to a police report. Nadal told the neighbor that "the dog did it."

Vega told police that he found the baby naked and uncovered, that he did not see paw prints or blood on the dog, and that there were no used or torn diapers around the baby, noting that "the blood had been there for a while on the bed," according to the report.

Vega and his wife said Nadal didn't seem upset. Nadal's attorney explained that she was probably in shock.

The boy's aunt, Patches DeShazo, took in the boy, who is still waiting for reconstructive surgeries. DeShazo is Gothia's sister.

Sadly for him, he survived the brutal attack. What kind of life awaits him? How much pain and suffering and depression and anxiety and hours of therapy and pills?

Remember this was no surgery; this baby suffered through this torture without anesthesia. And no matter how many reconstructive surgeries he undergoes, he will never, ever be restored to normal and will have a constant reminder of what happened to him.

Too bad there's no eye-for-an-eye law in this country so that she could be shown as much mercy as she showed this tiny, helpless, innocent baby when slicing off his genitals.

Source: Houston Chronicle
Copyright © 2009, Primetime Oracle
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1 comment:

  1. This is a despicable and disgusting crime. But I assert that it's just an extreme example of what my parents did to me. They unnecessarily mutilated my own genitals when they circumcised me at the hospital.
