Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bigotry triumphs in California

Photo: Los Angeles Times

I’m not gay, but I’m for equal rights–for EVERYONE.

Shame on California.

Shame on the close-minded, self-righteous,
self-centered, pseudo-spiritual, arrogant, hypocritical so-called “Americans” who cite Freedom for their sins (and atrocities) while crushing the freedom of “The Others.”

Here's the thing: I don't care who anyone wants to marry. It's none of my business. And whom I choose to marry is none of anybody's business as far as I'm concerned. It's that simple. Those who claim it is their business...that the future of this country depends on gays not being allowed to get married...are, in my opinion, extremely insecure individuals who, evidently, need to force their views and opinions and lifestyles on others in order to justify theirs.

So what if I'm in love with a cactus and want to marry it? Mind your own business.

Copyright © 2009

1 comment:

  1. What is even more pathetic is that this is actually happening in California where there is such a diversity of people including artists and musicians that are part of the gay community. Of course they celebrate their movies, music, etc. But when it comes down to their personal happiness, even if they have make California looks good, the government don't give a shit! It is a dammed shame...Love the cactus issue, though...Ha,ha,ha!
