Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Literally Twisted

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Yesterday, we learned details about the eloquent red-paint epitaphs left on walls throughout the Coleman home after the May 5 triple homicide. Today we are made privy to threatening letters the Colemans allegedly received months ago.

Do I hear "premeditated"?

The contents of the letters were revealed Wednesday with the unsealing of search warrants, the Belleville News-Democrat, which filed the request to unseal the search warrants last week, reported. Also released were additional discoveries made by detectives investigating the murders of Sheri Coleman, 31, and her sons Garett, 11 and Gavin, 9, who were strangled in their beds early May 5. Husband and father Chris Coleman has been charged with three counts of first degree murder.

Coleman told police on Jan. 2 that he received an anonymous letter that stated, "(Expletive)! Deny your God publicly or else! No more opportunities. Time is running out for you and your family." The letter referred to someone traveling to Asia, but didn't refer to anyone by name, the Belleville News-Democrat reported, noting that Sheri participated in missionary trips to southeast Asia, including Cambodia. "Have a good time in India (expletive)!" the letter concluded.

With the Spring came another letter, which Coleman dutifully took to police on April 27. That letter stated, "I am giving you the last warning! You have not listened to me and you have not changed your ways. I have warned you to stop traveling and stop carrying on with this fake religious life of stealing people's money." The letter referred to an unnamed woman, the Belleville News-Democrat reported.

"You think you are so special to do what you do protecting or think you are protecting her. She is a (expletive) and not worth doing it. Stop today or else. I know your schedule. ... This is my last warning."

According to the search warrants made public Wednesday, police also took into evidence a greeting card addressed to Coleman's post office box in Columbia from St. Petersburg, Fla., found in the glove box of Coleman's 1998 green Ford Explorer, the Belleville News-Democrat reported. Word is Coleman was having an affair with a woman from St. Petersburg who went to high school with Sheri.

Coleman, a 32-year-old former security guard for the Joyce Meyer Ministries, remains in the Monroe County Jail without bond.

Source: Belleville News-Democrat, USA Today
Copyright © 2009

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