Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sick Fuck of the Week: Serial Cat Killer

Photo source: unknown

Miami Police are on the prowl for a person (sick fuck) who has mutilated more than 20 cats in two of Miami's southern suburbs in the past month, three of them this week.

Frightened pet owners in Cutler Bay and Palmetto Bay have been told to take their own cats indoors and to round up neighborhood strays at night, which is when the killer strikes, Reuters reported.

Cats have been found skinned and gutted, left dead on their owners' lawns, the Miami Herald reported.

"Someone is mutilating these cats. They are having their innards removed and sometimes their pelts are removed," Miami-Dade Police Officer Rebeca Perez told Reuters. The killer dumps the carcasses, sometimes on the owner's property, sometimes nearby, Perez said.

What an animal! No--scratch that: what a sick fuck human!

Dozens of dead cats have been found in the Miami area, raising fears that the perpetrator is mentally unbalanced and could begin harming people. (Ya think?)

Investigators have been hampered by residents who dispose of the remains before they can examine them for clues, the Miami Herald reported. Police are asking people who find a carcass in their front yard to leave it alone and treat it like a crime scene. They may cover the animal with a plastic bag, rather than cloth, which can taint evidence, according to the report.

Police said they would not speculate on a motive for the killings.

Well...let's see...he was sexually abused by a cat when he was five?

''This man [Man? How much you wanna bet it's a teen or teens?] is getting bolder and bolder. The cat that was found this morning was skinned from the waist down, and that takes longer and longer [Jesus!]. It is very frustrating and it is heart wrenching,'' said Dee Chess, founder of Friends Forever Animal Rescue in Palmetto Bay.
Another cat's belly was sliced from front to rear, and its skinned corpse was found on the owners' side yard, the Herald reported.

According to residents, the cats' butchered bodies have been left like mangled trophies on their owners' yards since early May. Research in psychology and criminology has shown that individuals who commit such acts of cruelty to animals often graduate to harming humans. (Duh!)

Last week, the Humane Society of the United States announced a $2,500 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in what it called "serial cat killings.'' The reward was increased to $3,500 via Crime Stoppers. Tax-deductible donations are also being accepted to increase the reward amount, the Herald reported.

Now, here's the thing: Can you imagine what each and every one of those cats went through while they were being sliced, gutted and peeled like bananas? This is exactly what should be done to the SICK FUCK(s) when he/they get caught, if you ask me.

Sources: Reuters, Miami Herald, UPI
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