Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ahmadinejad shows signs of chronic disconnects

Amid protests against his visit, Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University in New York on September 24, 2007. (Photo by Stephen Chernin/AP)

I'm no expert on Iran issues--actually, I'm hardly at expert at anything--and I haven't been following the political career of Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but I feel compelled to point something out about him.

He has a really bad haircut. That's a problem, if you ask me.

Another problem is that he lies--a lot, and in the most blatant ways.

Last week at a presidential debate, Ahmadinejad told CNN's Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour that Iran is "the most stable country in the world."


Could he be
that ignorant or is he playing dumb?

Let's not forget this is the same guy who when asked about his country's mistreatment of homosexuals (during his speech at Columbia University in 2007) insisted that there are no gays in Iran--none--and that homosexuality is an American problem.

People in the audience laughed in his face, and the media had a field day with his outrageous remarks.

Whether he's completely deluded and out of touch with reality or he simply chooses to tell ridiculous lies that insult the intellect of others, is hard to say.

Perhaps he believes "I say it; therefore, it is."

Granted, all politicians lie, but
Ahmadinejad doesn't even try to make his lies sound true.

Maybe he lacks the sophistication and experience of politicians in other countries who are better at lying, or maybe he doesn't give a fuck about the truth or being caught lying.

So while I lack the knowledge to offer an educated opinion about Iran's political development, common sense dictates that someone who is disconnected to what separates fact from fiction and who shows such disregard for honest or semi-honest communication is not someone one would want as a leader.

Common sense transcends expertise on any subject, if you ask me.

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