Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cloudy days ahead for Speidi

OK, it's official. Speidi is crazy.

Not that it wasn't sort of official before, but let's just say that we knew they were morons. Now, don't get mad at me--I'm by no means the first person to call them morons; as a matter of fact, I'm probably one of the last ones to notice. And though I don't like name calling (except when it comes to sick fucks, then I really let my hair down) I, too, must face the truth.

And that is that they're beyond morons. They're nuts: certifiable-looney-tunes in urgent need of a hardcore reality check, which in their case would mean a day without media coverage of any kind, no paparazzi, no designer clothes and handbags, no uber-expensive sports cars, no celebrity makeup and hairstyling, no followers on Twitter.

I'm no psychiatrist, but doesn't the key difference between a sane and an insane person lie in soundness of mind, in the inability of the latter to be and stay in touch with reality? Based on that definition, my friends, I say the Pratts, a.k.a. Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, a.k.a. Speidi, are bonkers.

So the reality TV, fame-seeking couple was interviewed by Today Show co-host Al Roker, and they should be thankful for the attention because despite their impression that they're A-list celebrities (no doubt due to their poor assessment of reality), they are nothing of the sort. What they are, in my humble opinion is a couple of buffoons who can't tell the difference between famous and infamous.

Heidi and Spencer had a few things to say to Al Roker after the interview, but they're still trying to figure out who he is.

Speidi thought he was too aggressive when he asked Heidi if she was proud of her behavior on NBC's I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here reality TV show being filmed in a bug-infested Costa Rican jungle. If you're not familiar with the show, check out Speidi: "The devil made us do it!" posted on June 4. (Above: Heidi Montag and Al Roker -- Getty Images/Extra composite)

"People keep on referring to this weatherman like I'm supposed to know who he is," Spencer told US magazine (oh, sweet jesus...). "So a shout-out to Weatherman, who I guess got to even hang out with us this morning."

One has to laugh...

Spencer thinks--and felt confident enough to say it out loud--that Al is lucky to have had the opportunity to be in their royal presence and "hang" with them, as though this interview would be pivotal in Al's career. Yes, Al Roker, NBC's Today Show Al Roker. The weatherman.

My friends, if this doesn't prove these two are out of their minds--out as in they ran out of anything resembling a mind-- then I don't know what will.

"This weather guy was definitely out of line, and he should stick to predicting cloudy days," Heidi told US. "Maybe someone rained on his little parade today."


"Please do not be rude to women in the future," she said as a message to Al. "Please do not be rude to me. Please watch your tone, especially if you have a mother or a wife or a daughter. I don't think that they would appreciate you talking to them like that."

In her quest to be more like Mother Teresa (which she stated was her goal during a confessional at the jungle), she added: "I forgive you, you don't even have to ask me, I already forgive you. It's okay. The devil gets into all of us sometimes. You're forgiven. It'll be a sunny day tomorrow, Weatherman!"

Tuesday morning on the Today Show Al defended himself against allegations that he "persecuted" the Pratts. He told co-host Meredith Vieira, "I believe I asked what a lot people wanted to know."

Roker then slammed Speidi's fame: "There are a lot of celebrities who come on the show who've actually done something, who act civil."

In response to Spencer saying that it was only by the grace of God (lord have mercy on us all!) that he didn't physically attack the weatherman, Al said: "If he had tried to come across, I would have dropped him like a bag of dirt."


Either Speidi gets some sort of smoke-upstairs-bigheaded-celebrity intervention, I'm afraid their next fashion statement to make the tabloids will be his-and hers straight jackets. Now, that's an idea for Chanel, if you ask me!

Source: US Magazine, ExtraTV, My Twisted Mind
Copyright © 2009

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