Monday, June 8, 2009

Juvenile sick fucks set pitbull on fire, dog dies

The photo shows the pitbull that was set on fire before it was euthanized. ( WBAT TV)

Two Baltimore teenagers were charged Monday for dousing a pitbull with gasoline and setting it on fire, burning 98% of its body and, eventually, killing it.

Jesus F. Christ!

Police spokesman Donny Moses said Monday police weren't releasing the names of the two juveniles (motherfuckers) charged because of their age. So they're old enough to commit this horrific act but not old enough to be exposed. I think whether or not the names of so-called juvenile delinquents should be shared with the public should be based on the nature of the crime and not the ages of the criminals, if you ask me.

Police have not said what charges the youths face.

Too bad it's only murder if you kill a person. But where would you draw the line?

Killing an ant or a cockroach or a rat couldn't possibly be murder, could it? What about a dog, a cat, a horse? What if it were based on the level of suffering the animal is (a) capable of experiencing given the size and sophistication of its brain, and (b) the suffering and damage actually experienced given the torture endured and the end result. Whether the animal has been domesticated or not also could be considered, as the suffering of the people who own the animals, which often are considered part of the family, should be taken into consideration when punishing the torturers and/or killers--shouldn't it. Food for thought.

You might think I'm being too harsh, but the thing is I have zero tolerance for cruelty to animals, whether it's a mouse or an elephant. Bugs are another story. They're practically brainless and easy to kill quickly and, therefore, nearly impossible to torture, though I'm sure little motherfuckers like the ones involved in this case have devised methods to torture something as small as a flea.

According to the report, the dog was doused with gasoline on May 27 on Calhoun Street in southwest Baltimore and then set on fire. After being treated for the burns, which covered 98% of its body, the 2-year-old pitbull had to be euthanized four days later at a hospital in Pennsylvania.

"This was one of the most cruel things I've ever seen. It hurt me to my heart," said Baltimore city police Officer Syreeta Teel, who used her sweatshirt to put the fire out.

I say--you know what's coming, don't you?--douse the pricks with gasoline and set them on fire. But make sure they remain alive to suffer the notiriously terrible pain from the burns. A small fine, community service or few months in jail playing Nintendo just doesn't do it for me.

Sources: BNO News, WBAL TV, My Twisted Mind
Copyright © 2009

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