Saturday, June 27, 2009

Iran threatens to 'crush' U.S....are we scared yet?

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to the annual judiciary summit in Tehran on Saturday. (Rauf Mohseni, AFP/Getty Images)

Iran President Ahmadinejad slammed President Obama on Saturday, saying officials in the Islamic republic are “astonished” over what they see as his interference in Iran’s disputed elections and promising a "crushing" response to continued American condemnation of Iran's crackdown on post-election protest, CNN and AP reported.

How about allowing himself to be "astonished" over what's going on in his country because of he being declared the winner?

"You should know that if you continue the response of the Iranian nation will be strong," Ahmadinejad said in a speech to members of Iran's judiciary, which is directly controlled by the ruling clerics. "The response of the Iranian nation will be crushing. The response will cause remorse."

Well, that does it for me...I'm officially shaking with fear now.

Ahmadinejad has no authority to direct major policy decisions on his own, a power that rests with the non-elected theocracy, but his comments often reflect the thinking of the ruling establishment, AP reported.

So, basically, he's just a puppet...

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Obama said the “violence perpetrated against” demonstrators disputing the June 12 election results “is outrageous."

"We are surprised at Mr. Obama," Ahmadinejad said. Didn’t he say that he was after change?” Ahmadinejad said. “Why did he interfere? Why did he utter remarks irrespective of norms and decorum?”

I can't think of any other president being more diplomatic on the matter, even at his own expense. What was he supposed to say? "Congratulations on the bloodshed"? "I'm delighted with the peaceful election process in Iran"?

Apparently, to him--or to them--there's no difference between expressing an opinion and interfering.

The cleric-led regime--not surprisingly--appears to have quashed a protest movement that brought hundreds of thousands to the streets of Tehran and other cities in the greatest challenge to its authority in 30 years. Mousavi said Friday that he would seek official permission for any future rallies, effectively ending his role in street protests, AP reported.

I think bullies often win because their insecurity is so severe they don't give a crap about the consequences of their actions and the bad karma they bring down upon themselves.

Days of relatively restrained talk from both Washington and Tehran appear to be returning to a familiar pattern of condemnation and recrimination despite Obama's stated desire to move away from mutual hostility.

Will that ever change?

Obama acknowledged Friday that Iran's violent suppression of unrest would hinder progress, saying "There is no doubt that any direct dialogue or diplomacy with Iran is going to be affected by the events of the last several weeks."

I wonder how.

"They keep saying that they want to hold talks with Iran. Alright, we have expressed our readiness as well. But is this the correct way?" Ahmadinejad said. "They showed their hand to the people of Iran, before all people of the world. Their mask has been removed."


He still appeared to leave some opening for dialogue, saying Iranians officials "have expressed our readiness" and still want the U.S. to "join the righteous servants of humanity as well."

"Righteous servants of humanity? Are you freakin kidding me?Given this point of view, what are the chances of sensible--forget diplomatic...there's too much lying in diplomacy--talks between Iran and anyone in the West?

Chances are we'll see what we always see: endless lying and bullying and tossing around of concepts and words that in the end have a heck of a lot to do with useless chatter and nothing to do with proactive, problem-solving rational actions.

Sources: CNN, The Associated Press


  1. Interference? Ahmadinewhackjob has nothing to say about interference. The U.S. could return the interference Iran is perpetrating on Iraq by training and equipping murderers to cross the borders and start blowing up markets, police stations and random cars. But we're not.

    Iraq could have returned to peace years ago were it not for Iran's interference.

  2. Ahmadinewhackjob -- kudos for the name!
    He's preaching in his underwear, if you ask me...
