Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sick Fuck of the Week

Hell Fire Evil Night graphic from layoutsparks

Not surprisingly we didn't see that many sick fucks in the news this week, given the attention given to Iran. As a result we have three nominees:
  • A 33-year-old woman in Houston answered her front door only to be set on fire by his boyfriend, who was angry because she didn't answer her phone. Woman set on fire in Houston posted June 15.
  • A 36-year-old man was sentenced to six years in prison, though eligible for parole in one year, for biting his 6-year-old son's toes as a way to discipline and punish him. Turns out he was also into biting his 10-month-old daughter's buttocks, too. Father sentenced to prison for biting son's toes posted June 17, and
  • A 29-year-old mother and 70-year-old grandma in New York who set their 6-year-old child on fire during a voodoo ritual. Mother, grandma burn child in voodoo ritual posted June 18
And the winner of the Sick Fuck of the Week award is....

...the sick fuck who set his girlfriend on fire.

Uriel Vargas Alvarado, 25, was charged with aggravated assault in the attack, which took place last Sunday at 11:35 p.m. However, Houston police believe he has fled to Mexico.

A unusual...

The victim, Juana Patricia DeLeon Hernandez, 33, a single mother of two boys, is in critical condition, and doctors estimate she has less than a 20% chance of survival. She suffered fourth-degree burns (fourth?! I thought third was the worst...holy crap) in 70% of her body, including deep burns to her upper abdomen, after she was doused with gasoline and set ablaze.

Investigators said she received 14 calls on her cell phone from Alvarado’s cell phone in the three hours leading up to the attack but none after the attack. Neighbors who tried to help her by smothering the flames heard her say, “Uriel, my boyfriend, burned me because I didn’t answer the phone, and he’s jealous,” according to court records.

What's up with jealousy-prone people? Yeah, yeah...I know they're insecure, have low self-esteem, blah, what? Why don't they set themselves on fire to end their own misery? Oh, that's right...because it's always someone else's fault--one of the hallmarks of a true sick fuck.

A witness told police she had seen this dirtbag with Hernandez many times around the apartment complex and identified a photograph of the sick fuck as the boyfriend.

The couple had dated for at least three months. All this for a three-month relationship. How much do you want to bet he was terrible in bed?

Yo, Uriel! As is customary with all sick fucks, our wish for you is that you will run into some other sick fuck who will do unto you as you have done unto others. Happy BBQ!

Congratulations to Sick Fuck of the Week
Uriel Vargas Alvarado from Houston

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