Sick fuck alert! though we'll have to wait for more details about the circumstances that led to the abandonment of this baby.
A newborn baby was found stuffed in a shoebox and dumped in the lobby of a New York apartment building, cops said Monday.
Jesus F. Christ
The girl was less than a day old when she was discovered by a man who heard a noise and peeked inside a Timberland work boots box around 9 p.m. Sunday in Hempstead, Long Island.
Is that all an abandoned baby can hope for in New York? A shoebox? It figures. Anywhere else (except Tokyo) and that baby would've been found in a much larger box, maybe even a big household appliance box, which would be a mansion real estate-wise.
"She appears to be in good health," Nassau County Police Detective Lt. Raymond Cote said according to a NY Daily News reporte. "No one knows what could have happened to the child had it not been found quickly."
Um...I think just about everyone has a pretty good idea.
The infant was described as light skinned, white or Hispanic, and was dressed in a striped one-piece outfit and another one yellow emblazoned with the word "bounce." She was wrapped in a blanket with elephants pictures on it and wearing a white hat. Detectives are hoping somebody will recognize the outfit the baby was wearing or the blanket.
The umbilical cord was still attached to the baby and was tied off with dental floss.
Police are hunting the mother, who will face child abandonment charges.
Will they be asking to see the teeth of suspects? I mean, she probably flossed, or someone in that household did...someone with Timberlake work boots...
"She must have been concerned about this child," said Timothy Jaccard, President of the Safe Haven Alliance. "[The baby] was left to be found. She was prepared properly."
He said the mother might not be aware that the law provides other choices. "You can bring a less-than-5-days-old child to firehouses or hospitals or police, with no questions and just walk away," he said.
A hospital spokeswoman says Baby Jane will have to spend a few more days in intensive care.Poor baby. Luckily, she was found within an hour or so of being placed in that lobby...the ones found in dumpsters in the dead of winter aren't that lucky. Anyone capable of throwing a baby in the trash is either mentally ill or seriously fucked up, if you ask me.
Source: NY Daily News, NBC
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