Wednesday, July 22, 2009

'One of the worst pedophiles' in Houston charged

It's Doctor's Day here at Primetime Oracle.

We have with us today yet another well-respected member of the community who turned out to be a pervert: a Houston orthopedic surgeon accused of sexually molesting children for more than a decade.

My friend Walter, a steadfast fan of the gruesome and macabre, sent me a link to the story.

After a two-year investigation, Dr. Bernard Albina, 69, was charged with one count of aggravated sexual assault of a child, one count of continuous sexual assault and two counts of promotion of child pornography, KPRC Local 2 reported Tuesday.

Houston police, who described him as one of the worst pedophiles they have ever seen, said they learned of the alleged abuse when a 24-year-old man said Albina began sexually assaulting him when he was 5 years old, according to the report.

Investigators said they found another young adult victim and two more who are now in their teens, noting there might be more victims. So far, none of the victims were his patients. The crimes occurred between 1988 and 1998.

I say we have enough to nominate him for this week's Sick Fuck of the Week award.

Police said Albina, who works (um...worked?) at St. Joseph Medical Center, reportedly gave one of his victims $100,000 in cash and gifts.

OK...what does that mean exactly? Was the money and gifts given recently, to shut up the victim, or back when the abuse was taking place? And if it was years ago, wouldn't the victim be too young to receive such a gift? Did the parents know what was going on? Inquiring minds want to know.

Two minivan loads of evidence were collected, including hours of footage he had taken of himself with victims, according to officials. Ugh, this is so Law & Order SVU...WTF? How can these people be so stupid? They must want to get caught.

"Some of the stuff we found in the storage unit were books about how to treat victims psychologically that have been molested. He had books on how to take pictures of kids--solely how to take pictures of kids. He did a lot of research," J.P. Roscoe with the Houston Police Department said according to the report.

What a sick fuck. If he's guilty (what are the chances he's not?), and if he's convicted, we can only hope he gets his share of "love" from fellow pervs in prison.

Sources: NBC affiliate KRPC Channel 2
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