Monday, July 20, 2009

New motive expected in murder of Florida couple

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan (right) comforts Ashley Markham, 26, daughter of Melanie, 43, and Byrd Billings, 66, after announcing additional arrests in the investigation of her parents' murder. (AP photo)

I knew had to be.

I've been saying all along that there had to be a motive other than robbery in the double murder of Melanie and Byrd Billings, a wealthy couple known for adopting special-needs children, who were shot in their bedroom during a home invasion on July 9.

Sheriff David Morgan said today that police will reveal another motive this week after talking to three more people, noting he plans to make at least one more arrest before he winds down the investigation in a few days, CNN reported.

The sheriff isn't saying much, yet. But according to a report published by the Pensacola News Journal, documents reveal that Leonard Patrick Gonzalez Jr. told authorities Byrd Billings gave him money to help open a martial arts studio.

Here we go...

Eight suspects have been arrested in connection with the case, with seven charged with murder and one with accessory after the fact.

The seven entered the house, located in Beulah, Florida, shot the couple, and stole a safe containing prescription medication, family documents and some jewelry of sentimental value.

Several federal agencies have been involved in the investigation, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Morgan said that he expects to interview Gonzalez' wife today.

For background and additional info check out previous posts on this story:

Florida thugs didn't need to kill the Billings to rob them, posted July 16
Sick Fuck of the Week, posted July 19
Suspects arrested in murder of Florida couple, posted July 13

Sources: CNN, Pensacola News Journal, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
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