Friday, July 24, 2009

150 dogs found dead in freezers in Michigan house

An animal control officer gives water to dogs found living in squalor at a home in Dearborn. (Rashaun Rucker/Detroit Free Press)

This one definitely falls under several categories:
  1. WTF?!
  2. What a sick fuck!
  3. Are you fucking kidding me?
...all of which are more than suitable for this blog.

Get a load of this.

Today Michigan police found about
150 dead dogs packed in freezers in the basement of a two-story brick house littered with feces and trash where 112 live dogs, mostly Chihuahuas, were rescued earlier this week.

That's 262 dogs total--all under the "care" of 56-year-old Kenneth Lang Jr., who apparently has been collecting dogs for three or four years.

When I think about the kind of treatment these dogs received for years...well, to be honest, I can't even imagine it, and I better not try.

"The house was in complete disarray, very cluttered...very filthy," said Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad, who declined to comment on the breed of the dead dogs.

A criminal investigation is under way, Haddad said, noting that the case could be forwarded to prosecutors for possible animal-cruelty charges.

"Possible" animal-cruelty charges? I guess that's all he can say about it, but if this dog-collecting freak is not charged with something substantial, the prosecutor could possibly encounter an army of pissed off animal-loving activists possibly pissing in his gas tank.

One "possible" charge is aggravated animal cruelty, a felony that carries a four-year penalty.

Law enforcement officials search a home in Dearborn, Mich., where authorities said a man kept more than 90 dogs, mostly Chihuahuas. (David Runk/AP Photo)

On Thursday, 112 live dogs were removed from the home, and police believe a few more are hiding under the debris inside the house. Numerous large trash containers were taken to the property to deal with the piles of trash, according to a Detroit Free Press report.

The disturbing discovery was prompted by a call from a neighbor complaining that a foul smell was coming from Lang's home. Why did it take someone three or four years to make that call? Jesus F. ...

The one good news is that many people have come forward to adopt the dogs, so many that the Dearborn Animal Shelter today stopped accepting pet adoption applications, according to the Detroit Free Press report. The shelter is requesting donations of small kibble dog food, money and office supplies.

As to why this man had these many live and dead dogs in the house, Haddad said he had no idea. “I can’t answer why anyone would do anything what went on in that house,” he said.

I can't either...though if I had to guess, I'd say it's because we're dealing with a sick fuck. But that's just me.

Sources: Detroit Free Press
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