Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Got toast? Feds raid Dr. Murray's house

Waving Toast Pictures, Images and Photos
Dr. Conrad Murray waving goodbye. He's toast!

Note: I'm in a rush, so I'm posting ABC News' story on the raid as is because it contains details and background information.

Federal and local investigators are searching the Las Vegas home and offices of Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's physician, who authorities believe may have injected the singer with a lethal dose of anesthesia the day he died, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Murray has become the primary focus of the inquest into Jackson's June 25 death. Investigators believe Murray injected the pop icon with propofol around midnight and left him unattended, according to The Associated Press.

Murray topped a shortlist of doctors who have been questioned by police in the weeks since the singer's death because they are believed to have supplied Jackson with countless prescription drugs over the years.

DEA agents and local police were at the scene of the raid on Murray's home.The house was occupied at the time of the raid, but Murray is not beleived to have been at home.

Murray, whose Houston office was raided by local and federal authorities last week, has already been named in court papers as the subject of a manslaughter investigation.

"This doctor is in serious trouble," criminal defense attorney Roy Black told "Good Morning America" today.

New details have emerged about the scene paramedics discovered on the afternoon they were called to Jackson's Los Angeles rental home.

They reportedly found a chaotic scene inside the singer's bedroom, with clothes strewn around the stifling hot room, handwritten notes papering the walls and a porcelain doll on his bed.

Toxicology reports are due to be released this week, and it seems the net is tightening on Murray, who remains secluded in his Las Vegas home.

ABC News has confirmed Jackson's body had track marks on it, consistent with IV drug use, and authorities said he was addicted to the painkillers OxyContin and Demerol.

"Everyone needs to take a breath and wait for these long-delayed toxicology results," Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, said in a statement released Monday night. "Things tend to shake out when all the facts are made known, and I'm sure that will happen here as well."

But Chernoff has already admitted that Murray didn't call 911 for 30 minutes after he found Jackson unresponsive. And the doctor, who had been hired to monitor Jackson for his planned "This Is It" tour, initially performed CPR while Jackson was lying on a bed, not on a hard surface as is proper protocol.

Black told "Good Morning America" that if Murray is charged it will be up to his defense to prove there was a sound medical reason why he prescribed and administered the off-label use of a drug that is meant for use in the operating room.

"They're going to say there's not legitimate reason to prescribe this drug for use in the home," he said. "It certainly should not be used for insomnia."

An official close to the investigation told The Associated Press that Jackson relied on propofol like an alarm clock, instructing doctors to stop the IV when he wanted to wake up. It's a drug authorities believe he may have been using for two years.

Was anyone monitoring his vital signs?

Murray's lawyers have maintained for weeks that the doctor was simply a witness in Jackson's death and had nothing to do with it.

Chernoff has repeatedly said the doctor did not administer any drug that should have killed Jackson. While he has specifically denied prescribing OxyContin and Demerol, he has not made the same assurances about propofol.

Black said that, as Jackson's physician, Murray should have known what other drugs the entertainer was taking and how they could have interacted.

As for the propofol itself, Black said, Murray is "going to have a very tough time proving you can do this at home."

It's unclear if Murray or anyone else was monitoring Jackson's vital signs while he was hooked up to the IV.

On June 29, five days after Jackson's death, Chernoff told ABC News that it was "sometime before noon" when Murray went to check on his patient.

"He noticed that he wasn't breathing, and he went over to him, felt his body, his body was warm, he checked for a pulse, he found one, a very weak pulse and he immediately started applying CPR," Chernoff said then.

TMZ has reported that paramedics found Jackson dead upon arrival with an IV in his arm and three oxygen tanks nearby, yet Murray insisted Jackson be transported to the hospital where he continued to try to revive him even after other doctors had given up.

Three tanks of oxygen were in the room where Jackson slept and 15 more oxygen tanks were in a security guard's shack, an official told The Associated Press.

Nurse refused him Diprivan

Cherilyn Lee, a registered nurse and nutritionist who worked for Jackson, said the singer begged her to give him propofol in the days before his death. She refused to help him obtain it.

Lee told ABC News the pop star had often complained of not being able to sleep more than a few hours at a time.

"The problem with you telling me you want to be knocked out," Lee said she told him, is "you might not wake up the next morning. You don't want that."

When investigators searched Murray's Texas office earlier this month, among the items seized were a vial containing 27 tablets of the weight loss drug phentermine, a vial containing a tablet of the muscle relaxant clonazepam, a photocopy picture of Murray, Rolodex cards, public storage receipts, and a receipt for a "Cricket" phone, according to the search warrant.

Other items seized from his storage unit, according to the court records, included two computer hard drives and a "Texas Department of Public Safety controlled substance registration." Authorities also obtained a suspension notice from a Houston hospital.

The search warrants specifically directed officers to "seize and examine all items, including but not limited to, billing records, medication orders, transport receipts, billing receipts, medical records and computerized medical records, for implements and instruments used in the commission of a crime."

The warrants told police they were "commanded to search ... for property or items constituting evidence of the offense of manslaughter that tend to show that Dr. Conrad Murray committed the said criminal offense" and ship any evidence found to officials in California.

Addictions to Diprivan, Demerol, OxyContin

In the aftermath of his death, Jackson's addiction to a variety of drugs was revealed, including propofol (trade name Diprivan), the analgesic Demerol and the painkiller OxyContin. Track marks found on his arms support the theory that he was addicted to propofol.

Prescription medications found inside Jackson's $100,000 per month rental home included ones in his name and ones in other names, including ones that appeared to investigators to be aliases. The medications had been prescribed by multiple doctors.

Methadone, Fentanyl, Percocet, Dilaudid and Vicodin were among the 20 drugs also found in Jackson's rental home.

Medical experts contacted by the ABC News medical unit said that the amount of medications reportedly found in Jackson's rented home was "jaw-dropping" and "amazing."

"That list is enough to put down a swarm of zombies," said Richard Bradley, chief of the Division of EMS and Disaster Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

"The list ... would be typical for an anesthesia cart in an operating room or what you might find in a recovery room, ICU, ED, etc. Definitely not what you'd expect to find in a home," said Joseph Ornato, chair of the department of medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Murray is not the only doctor who has been eyed by law enforcement in the wake of the pop star's death. Law enforcement sources confirmed to ABC News earlier this month that a small group of coctors who treated Jackson before his death are being questioned as to their involvement with Jackson's alleged drug use.

On July 15, California Attorney General Jerry Brown said his office was running several doctors' names and several potential aliases through its prescription drug database to aid police investigating Jackson's death.

Sources: ABC News
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  1. It's just astounding that Michael Jackson could function at all. Looking at the history of rock stars overdosing, it was usually from one drug of choice. With no body fat and multiple chemicals, how did this man survive as long as he did.

  2. I totally agree. I would've been a walking zombie.
