Friday, July 31, 2009

Mom keeps boy locked in 100-degree-plus attic

Booking photo of Kristen Paquette (right) released by the Lowell Police Department.

Sick fuck alert.

Police officers found a naked boy, covered in urine and feces, locked in an airless attic where the temperature was over 100 degrees. The boy also had several minor bumps on his forehead.

(Depending on the news source, the boy is either three or five years old.)

Police said the attic was covered in human feces and there were several children's finger markings along the wall, made with excrement, that appeared to have been there for a considerable amount of time, the Boston Globe reported. There was one window in the attic and it was locked with nails to the window sill.

The boy's 27-year-old mother is facing charges, her apartment has been condemned as unsanitary, and her four children have been taken away from her, the Boston Globe reported citing a police statement.

Kristin Paquette pleaded not guilty today in Lowell District Court to charges of assault and battery on a child causing bodily injury and reckless endangerment of a child under 18. She was ordered held on $10,000 cash bail.

"This is certainly sensational, but also a tragic and sad situation. She's a woman who needed help but didn't know how to ask for it,'' said the mother's attorney, Kathleen Moore, who unsuccessfully urged the judge to release Paquette without bail.

Police said that they received an anonymous call at about 2:43 p.m. Thursday alerting them to a young child in the attic of 15 Lenox St. When police asked how long her son had been in the attic, Paquette "replied with a very nonchalant manner and tone, 'maybe an hour or so. I'm not too sure'," according to the police report.

Paquette told police that she had put her son in the attic because she could not control him and he would "interrupt cleaning" when she was trying to clean the apartment, the newspaper reported.

Paquette's 6-year-old son told police that his brother "was bad so Mommy put him upstairs and changed the door handle." The boy said it wasn't the first time his brother had been locked in the attic and that it happened "a lot."

As they walked to the staircase that led to the attic, police officers noticed the hallway was completely filthy and the floor could not be seen because of piles of spoiled food, trash and clothing. Outside the attic was a similarly filthy mattress, surrounded by hundreds of flies, prosecutor Dan Harren said.

The Department of Children and Families took custody of all four of Paquette's children; the other three are 5, 6, and 9, according to the newspaper report.

Blindness, stupidity or malice?

Alfred Paquette, the woman's father, said his daughter "is not an evil person like they tried to make her out to be. She has a child that needs special help.''

Well, tossing him in a sweltering attic, naked and covered with crap is a kind "special" treatment--isn't it? Jeez.

He said his grandson had a chronic lung disease, suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and acts "like a child on steroids.'' He added that his daughter is a single mother, struggling to raise her children alone without any help from their fathers, and has been trying unsuccessfully to get help for the boy.

Tell me, what's up with parents being so fucking deluded about their kids? Does having children disable some sort of internal objectivity mechanism? How can anyone, especially a close relative, see a child being kept under such inhumane conditions and not react to help him? Looks like the granpa is another sick fuck; he probably locked his kids the attic, too.

"It's not all her fault or his, she was just totally overwhelmed,'' he said. "She had a hard time dealing with him because he was very combative."

This woman--evidently an unfit mother--has four kids from different fathers that she can't handle. How is that not her fault? Ever hear of condoms?

Paquette said the boy "comes down late at night and throws food around and he fights with his brothers and he bangs his head against walls. That's probably why he had bumps on his head.''

I would be bumping my head against the wall, too, if I were sauteeing on piss and shit in a stinking hot attic.

He noted that he had been at his daughter's apartment earlier in the day Thursday when he picked up his 9-year-old grandson to take him to a Red Sox game, and that the 3-or-5-year old boy "just came downstairs and he was fine. There was absolutely no problem.''


Richard Paquette, the woman's uncle, said there was nothing wrong with disciplining out-of-control children. "You've got to try to get some kind of control. There's no abuse, no abuse whatsoever," he said.


It must be news week in Massachusetts: a baby snatcher kills a pregnant woman and cuts out a fetus in Worcester; Sgt. Crowley from the Cambridge Police has beer with President at the White House; dumb Boston cop calls Gates a "banana-eating jungle monkey" but insists he's not a racist, and now this sick fuck in Lowell. Yikes!

Source: The Boston Globe
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